''Aaron andAyumi K. Pilandare the fantastical magical duo known as APAK. They are a childlike husband and wife collaborative art group who live among the fury conifer giants in a little cottage on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. They create artwork together as a way exploring the beauty, mystery, and magic of life as well as expressing their love for life and each other.'' Their cards, made from 100% recycled paper and printed with Soy based inks, are all on show atLittle Paper Planes! Enjoy. Z.
14 September 2009
13 September 2009
This week, (according to local sayings) I was heavily 'Under the Weather'...but the Weather was no where near being on top of me...oh no. It was gallantly parading itself around outside, shaking its sunny bum through the curtains! Summer arrives and it's September...I'm stuck in bed with the flu. But despite it, I managed to use my camera by my bed, so this is what I preoccupied myself with, through the battle. C'est la vie. Z.
2 September 2009
Wow there...September?! Here we are, a new month, a new semester, a new Season...so it appears. The dogs and I could see our frosty breath this morning, that's a change. The past few weeks have been quiet on the making front as I catch up with other things, but the inspiration continues ofcourse...three things I've made Oh's and Ah's at are as follows. September the Second, have a great day. Z.
Photography by Yvette Inufio...melting colours, secret places and beaches, look her up!
Good old 'Martha' told me about these beauties. Make them at home, paint them up and use your wax leftovers from once used candles! The hens will adore you for it!
Over at Rumplo you can buy these cute tees...they have so much stuff printed up, some of it is very country cousin...have a looksie.x
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