15 February 2011

Rockport Craft Fair

I had the pleasure of doing a CraftFair in Rockport School, Holywood. What a beautiful building, and a great atmosphere for those who made it out in the snow! I set up my winter wonderland in the foyer...I drank mulled wine and ate homemade shortbread for 2 days straight! Ha, enjoy.

napkin rings : stiffened hemp/ribbon/pinecones/netting

dainty bobbles : 1920's recipe book & antique bone buttons

Christmas Past

With the most beautiful snow this winter (in my living memory!) I was totally inspired while making my home textile pieces for craft fairs and exhibitions. I took part in Lisburn Arts Centre 'CraftShots' curated by Gail Mahon, and SpaceCraft in Belfast hosted the Craft & Design Collectives Christmas show, with cute Stockings theme for some of it. Here are some pics, amongst moving house and learning to snowboard in our local park, I had quite a crafty christmas!